ABOUT Soul Purpose Time
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose –Ecclesiastes 3:7
We all go through seasons in life where we are searching for purpose and that is why I call this website — soul purpose time. You are important and what you are going through matters!
Some Greek definitions of Soul.Purpose.Time
Soul: Nephesh~ a life, a living soul, self, person, mind, personality, inner desires and feelings
Purpose: Prothesis~ a deliberate plan, an intention, an advanced plan, design
Time: Kairos~ opportune time, set time, appointed time, due time, seasonable time and quality of time
Literally, this is time for your soul to find purpose and rest. We all need it.
I have been through many changes and vulnerable moments myself where I needed a guide. I know that it is possible to come to the other side with grace, strength, courage and clarity.
About Me
Shelley Pearson Garrett, LMHC, CPC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Certified Professional Coach (CPC), ACC
I have been told that I am warm, creative, intuitive, humorous and loyal. I have also heard words like “gentle with a warrior spirit.” I am fierce on behalf of my clients. Some of the professional titles over the years: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Case Manager, Workshop Facilitator, Faculty, Academic Advisor, Career Counselor and Life Coach. In my life and work, I seek to create a safe and honoring space for others to experience life changes and to navigate vulnerable moments.