Workshops and Group Programs

Soul Purpose Career Counseling

6 Session Group Workshop

This is a 6 session process. It includes career testing and one - 1 on 1 with me. 

The other 5 sessions are in a group format with others who are searching out their life and career purpose as well.

Meeting with others can be very comforting. Learning that you are not alone. The cost for the workshop is $500 per participant. The groups are limited to 6 people. There is also a $50 assessment fee to pay for the Myers Briggs and The Strong Interest inventory. Total investment is $550.

Please see attached PDF for more info on the themes in the workshop! 

Bring me in to talk to Your Team or Group in one of these informative and fun workshops !

Navigating Transition - 3 Hour Group Workshop

This workshop offers time for individual and group reflection. It is based on a seasonal model that provides clarity on the energy shifts that happen in life transitions. Included in this workshop are tips for navigating change and a packet of information to take home. This workshop is useful for business teams, ministry events and other groups and can be tailored to the audience.

Finding Your Dependable Strengths

3 Hour Group Workshop

This is an experiential and group based process of listening and being listened to in order to get a better idea of your top strengths. Knowing this helps with confidence, clarity, job search and interviews.